Functional Sugar Solution for Weight Loss

 Saigao Food additives manufacturer is committed to the development of functional sugar and biological fermentation industry, gradually from the production of functional food ingredients, to the focus of industrial advantages, committed to improving the cause of nutrition and health, the core products are resistant dextrin, oligofructose, Isomaltooligosaccharide, polysaccharose, maltitol, galactooligosaccharide, xylooligosaccharide, etc.


Dietary fiber is a special nutrient whose essence is a polysaccharide substance in carbohydrates that cannot be decomposed by human digestive enzymes. There are hundreds of types of weight loss dietary fiber, including cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, gum and vegetable viscose, algae polysaccharides, etc.


"All-rounder" for maintaining intestinal health.


The intestine is the largest immune organ in the human body, and 70% of the lymph is distributed in the intestine. The protective effect of dietary fiber on the intestinal tract should not be underestimated. The age of the intestine is mainly defined by the beneficial bacteria in the intestine The ratio of the group to the harmful bacteria group is used as the basis for judgment. The dietary fiber can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria, thereby maintaining normal intestinal function.


In addition, if the food stays in the intestine for too long, harmful substances and decomposed enzymes produced by intestinal microbial metabolism will be in contact with the intestinal mucosa for a long time. Will cause the absorption of harmful substances and damage the mucosal cells. Stool stays in the intestine for too long, and the absorption of various toxins can lead to intestinal tumors. The dietary fiber can make the food in the intestine swell and soften, promote intestinal peristalsis and defecation, so it reduces the residence time of carcinogens in the intestine and can prevent intestinal cancer.


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