Soluable Corn Dextrin Fiber:Its Facts and Benefits

Soluable Corn Dextrin Fiber:Its Facts and Benefits Soluble dietary fiber is a type of fiber that can be dissolved in water and swelled by absorbing water and can be digested by microorganisms in the large intestine Soluble dietary fiber absorbs water to form a gelatinous substance inside the digestive system and combines with cholesterol and sugars to prevent or slow down their absorption into the blood, which can regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. In addition, soluble dietary fiber can also greatly enhance satiety after absorbing water, which is conducive to weight control. Moreover, soluble dietary fiber is more easily decomposed by intestinal bacteria fermentation and induces probiotics to multiply, which is related to improving immunity, anti-inflammatory effects, and even improving mood. Resistant Maltodextrin vs Maltodextrin Resistant dextrin belongs to (water-soluble dietary fiber), and maltodextrin is often used as a filler. Resistant dextrin is, in essence...