Soluable Corn Dextrin Fiber:Its Facts and Benefits

 Soluable Corn Dextrin Fiber:Its Facts and Benefits

Soluble dietary fiber is a type of fiber that can be dissolved in water and swelled by absorbing water and can be digested by microorganisms in the large intestine

Soluble dietary fiber absorbs water to form a gelatinous substance inside the digestive system and combines with cholesterol and sugars to prevent or slow down their absorption into the blood, which can regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. In addition, soluble dietary fiber can also greatly enhance satiety after absorbing water, which is conducive to weight control. Moreover, soluble dietary fiber is more easily decomposed by intestinal bacteria fermentation and induces probiotics to multiply, which is related to improving immunity, anti-inflammatory effects, and even improving mood.

Resistant Maltodextrin vs Maltodextrin

Resistant dextrin belongs to (water-soluble dietary fiber), and maltodextrin is often used as a filler. Resistant dextrin is, in essence, a kind of maltodextrin that is difficult to digest, so resistant dextrin can also be called resistant maltodextrin, which can be used as dietary fiber. On the contrary, ordinary maltodextrin can be completely digested. Although resistant maltodextrin and ordinary maltodextrin are both dextrins, their properties are completely different. Resistant dextrin is a soluble dietary fiber, with a low-molecular-weight dextran mixture. Its aqueous solution has low viscosity, low digestibility, low calories, and has the characteristics of the fiber, which is very stable. Regardless of cost, it is the best filler. Maltodextrin is a starch hydrolysate with a DE value of 5-20. It is easy to digest, has low sweetness and high viscosity.

The Benefits of Corn Dextrin Fiber

The physiological function of Soluble dietary fiber: these substances can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, facilitate fecal discharge, prevent constipation, rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins of the lower extremities; they can also prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and conduct prevention over the formation of gallstones. It produces a feeling of fullness, which is beneficial for obese patients to repress the desire to eat and can be used as diet food. Corn dextrin fiber can also improve sugar tolerance and adjust the blood sugar level of diabetics. It can be used as food for diabetics; improve the intestinal flora, prevent bowel cancer, appendicitis, etc.

Soluble Corn Fiber Supplement May Help Build and Preserve Bone

According to the new research from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, daily soluble corn fiber supplement can effectively help the users to "build and retain calcium in bone for women in their teens and postmenopause". Evidence suggests that SCF has many of the same health benefits associated with intact dietary fiber found in products like grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruit. As it is reported by the research, the supplementation of soluble corn fiber may even improve intestinal regularity. Moreover, SCF can also support healthy blood glucose control and support bone health by increasing calcium absorption. 

Sai gao Group Corporation is a professional food ingredient manufacturer, we provide soluble corn fiber vs maltodextrin, brown bread dietary fiber, allulose and etc. Want to know more? Contact us.


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