Oligosaccharides(oligose) are a new type of functional sugar source. Normally, functional oligosaccharides are lower in calories and consist of helpful bacteria as they integrate nutrition, health care, and diet therapy so as to play an important role in improving the immune system. They are widely used in food, health products, beverages, medicine, and feed additives, and other fields. For example, oligosaccharide syrup can sweeten and thickens dishes while providing a sticky glaze.


Types of oligosaccharides are mainly included: Fructo oligosaccharide, Malt oligosaccharide, Xylo-oligosaccharide, Galacto-oligosaccharide.


Types of Oligosaccharide

Fructo Oligosaccharide

Fructose oligosaccharides are also called oligofructose or sucrose trisaccharide oligosaccharides. Fructose oligosaccharides are commonly found in many fruits and vegetables.


Malt Oligosaccharide

Isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO), more commonly known as isomalto-oligosaccharide, is a mixture of short-chain carbohydrates which may have a digestion-resistant property.



Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are polymers of the sugar xylose.[1] They are produced from the xylan fraction in plant fiber.



Galacto-oligosaccharides are made up of plant sugars linked in chains. They are found naturally in dairy products, beans, and certain root vegetables.


Mannan Oligosaccharide

Mannose Oligosaccharides, also known as Mannan Oligosaccharides (MOS), the English abbreviation MOS. Mannan-oligosaccharide is a new type of antigen active substance extracted from the cell wall of ye...


Isomaltulose Powder

Isomaltulose, or 6-O-α-D-glucopyranose-D-fructose, is a crystalline reducing disaccharide formed by the α-1,6 glycosidic bond of glucose and fructose. The molecular formula is C12H22O11H2O. Isomal...


Saigao Stachyose

Introduction of StachyoseStachyose is a naturally occurring tetrasaccharide withthe molecular formula C24H42O21the relative molecular weight is 666.59.Its structure consists of two galactose,one glucose...


Oligosaccharide Function

The metabolic production of organic acids lowers the intestinal pH, inhibits the growth of intestinal Salmonella and spoilage bacteria, regulates gastrointestinal function, and inhibits Intestinal spoilage substances, changes stool characteristics, prevents constipation, and increases vitamin synthesis, improve human immune function.


Promote Proliferation

One of the benefits of functional oligosaccharides is that they can improve the micro-ecological environment in the human body, which is beneficial to the proliferation of bactericidal and other beneficial bacteria.


Improve Blood Lipid Metabolism

Functional oligosaccharides are similar to water-soluble plant fibers and can improve blood lipid metabolism and reduce the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.


Non-Increase To Blood Sugar

Do oligosaccharides raise blood sugar? The answer is absolutely negative. Oligosaccharides are dependent on non-insulin, will not increase blood sugar, suitable for people with high blood sugar and diabetes.


Rarely Converted Into Fat

Because oligosaccharide is difficult to be hydrolyzed by saliva enzymes and small intestine digestive enzymes, the calorific value of it is very low, and it is rarely converted into fat;


Prevent Dental Caries

Functional oligosaccharides do not form a matrix by dental caries, nor do they have the role of coagulating bacteria, which can prevent dental caries.


Which probiotics can oligofructose promote proliferation?

It has obvious effect on the proliferation of short bifid, long bifid, infant bifid and adolescent bifid in Bifidobacterium; it has obvious proliferation effect on Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus salivarius in Lactobacillus.


Sai gao Group Corporation is a professional food ingredient manufacturer, we provide allulose wholesale, starch oligosaccharides, soluble dietary fiber and etc. Want to know what is oligosaccharide syrup or do oligosac charides raise blood sugar? Contact us.



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